
31 Jan 2004: Serenity Virtual Station (SVISTA)(tm) is announced.
This is a Virtual Machine system that will allow a single computer running under OS/2, eComStation, Linux, Windows or FreeBSD to run another operating system underneath it, giving the ability to run software from the host or guest operating systems without rebooting.

Initially the Early Support Program (ESP) will be available, allowing limited facilities for those who want to get a feel for SVISTA before the full release.

June 2004: eComStation version 1.2 is in Beta testing. The actual release date has not been announced yet, but it is likely to be in the next few weeks.

SVISTA is likely to be included in the Application Pack.

Changes to the contents of the Entry and Application packages mean that pricing hasn't been finalised yet, but watch out for the release announcement for more details.